Unisex Clothing Brands That Help Smash Stereotypes
For parents and kids who want to dress fashionably without perpetuating gender stereotypes, unisex clothing brands are an excellent choice. Not Only Pink & Blue recently added Toby Tiger, an organic baby and kids clothing brand, to their brand directory, and they are committed to changing the way we buy clothing to help create a culture free from gender typecasting. By supporting unisex clothing brands, we can all take part in smashing gender stereotypes and creating a more inclusive environment for everyone.
The Problem with Gendered Clothing
Stereotyping children based on gender is a common and longstanding practice. While we may think of it as harmless, it can impact how children feel about themselves, their world, and their aspirations. It is especially damaging when it starts from birth, with blue baby clothes for boys and pink for girls. By typecasting and genderless clothing, this "girl/boy filter" limits the choices available to children of all genders and prevents them from having equal access to all colours, toys, and books that should be available to all children.
Research has shown that these stereotypes can limit children's aspirations, confidence, and mental well-being. It is vital to challenge the idea that specific colours, toys, and activities are "for boys" or "for girls" from birth. Therefore, it is essential to provide genderless options to prevent children from feeling restricted by gendered stereotypes.
How Unisex Clothing Can Help
Stereotypes begin right from when a baby is born - blue clothes for boys, pink for girls. This typecasting can start even before a child is old enough to express their own style and identity. Education, challenging outdated views, and creating work cultures that support all parents can help challenge childhood stereotypes.
However, the divide between colours, styles and designs can still be stark when shopping for baby clothes. With 'girl' and 'boy' filters on many websites and in stores, it can be challenging to find genderless clothing for babies and children. Stereotypes can have a limiting effect on children's aspirations, confidence, and mental well-being.
It is essential to challenge the idea that specific colours, toys, and activities are 'for boys' or 'for girls'. This isn't just for one's own children but all children, communities, and society. Finding brands that share this ethos helps us to create a fairer and more equal world.
Toby Tiger - A Brand Making a Difference
Toby Tiger is the UK's best and brightest organic children's wear company, founded by award-winning designer Zoe Mellor in 1998. Its sustainable clothing is GOTS-certified and recognisable from the bright rainbow colour palette, fun and friendly appliques, and timeless designs. Shopping with Toby Tiger supports ethical working and helps protect the planet - organic cotton producers and clothes manufacturers are not exposed to harsh chemicals and dyes, and only natural pest control methods are used. In addition, this brand stands out in its commitment to genderless clothing, offering pieces that avoid the "girl/boy filter". Toby Tiger enables parents to choose the right clothes for their children without forcing them into a specific gender stereotype.
Why We Support Them
Not Only Pink & Blue believe all colours, toys, and books should be for all children. They also think work cultures should support all parents, regardless of gender. But unfortunately, stereotypes can have a limiting effect on children's aspirations, confidence, and mental well-being. That's why we are passionate about challenging the idea that specific colours, toys, and activities are "for boys" or "for girls".
We understand this is not just for one's own children but all children, communities, and society. That's why we love working with brands, organisations, and parents who feel passionately about making change. This is why Not Only Pink & Blue have been inspired by Toby Tiger's genderless clothing, which helps break down the 'girl/boy' filter embedded in our culture. By changing buying behaviour that perpetuates stereotypes, they help companies create a culture free from gender typecasting and support all parents, whatever their gender.
How You Can Help
As parents and guardians, we can help to create a more inclusive, genderless environment for our kids by choosing unisex clothing. By doing this, we reduce the need for society to place kids into gender stereotypes and thereby help reduce bullying in schools. In addition, unisex or genderless clothing also helps to foster a sense of self-expression and acceptance amongst children by allowing them to wear whatever they want without fear of judgement.
We can also do our part by avoiding the 'girl/boy filter' when shopping online. Companies like Not Only Pink & Blue are helping to create an online marketplace that is free from gender typecasting and allows parents to find clothing that fits their family's needs regardless of traditional gender norms. By shopping here, you can state that you believe all children should be given equal opportunity and respect no matter what gender they are. So let's help create a culture free from gender typecasting and support all parents, whatever their gender, by supporting brands such as Toby Tiger.