10 ways for rainy day fun!
Sometimes rainy days call for pulling on your comfys and having some good old-fashioned indoor fun – we love these fun activities to keep the whole family entertained!
1. Build A Den
Grab a pile of cushions, pillows and throws and den-building can commence! Drape a blanket over a stack of pillows, chairs or a clothes rack to get the structure. Then, encourage your little one to kit it out with some favourite toys… who knows, they may decide to take a nap inside!
2. Make Some Melodies
Ask your little music makers to gather their instruments and even add a few makeshift ones in yourself – you’ll soon have enough for a very experimental orchestra! Try upside down pans, tins, wooden spoons and spatulas. See what sounds they can create and if they can get the rhythm of some of their favourite songs.
3. Host A Floor Picnic
Make lunchtime that little bit more fun with a floor picnic. Spread out a blanket and lay out snacks and drinks as if picnicking in the park. Get your little ones to invite their favourite teddies for a guest list they won’t forget!
4. Face Painting
Make the most of a long day indoors with some experimental face painting. Head to Pinterest for some inspiration and handy step-by-step instructions, Once you’ve finished your masterpiece, watch little ones get into character as their alter ego comes to life!
5. Make Sock Puppets
If you’re anything like us, you’ll have an odd-sock pile gathering dust. It’s time to put some to good use by turning them into puppets. Bring them to life by adding some everyday bits and pieces (think buttons for eyes, fabric for noses, and wool for hair. If your kids are OK with a needle and thread, they can sew these on themselves – or simply use a spot of glue. Soon it will be showtime as the kids will no doubt put on a show for you. Don’t forget the popcorn!
6. Get Crafty
Unearth the art box (be sure to store any bits and bobs whenever you get the chance – anything from coloured paper, glue, glitter, stickers, cardboard tubes, pompoms, string, wool, felt, material, ribbon, thread spools, pipe cleaners, tissue paper – the works!) Kids will love discovering what’s inside and getting creative.
7. Arrange a Scavenger Hunt
Make a list of items to be discovered around the house and get your little one to find and photograph each one! Make it as easy or hard as you like!
8. Make Play Dough
Fun to make and fun to play with! Kids love play dough, so making your own is even better! To make one coloured ball mix 8 tbsp plain flour with 2 tbsp table salt. In a separate bowl mix 60ml warm water, a few drops of food colouring and 1 tbsp vegetable oil. Combine both mixes with your hands to form your dough! Store it in an airtight container to keep it fresh and make more colours for extra creativity!
9. Measure The Rain
Let’s get a bit science-y and use the damp, miserable weather as an opportunity for some interesting learning. Place a large jar outside to collect the day’s rain. Every time it rains, measure how much has been collected and make a rainfall chart to refer back to!
10. What's In The Bag
Grab an empty pillow case and fill it with random objects of your choice – an old toy, a vegetable, a sponge… as many different textures as you can. Blindfold the player give 30 seconds to feel around the bag to guess what’s inside!